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Vol. 71 (1989): Our Past


The Brotherhood of St Sophia at the church of St Mark in Krakow (15th-18th centuries)

  • Tadeusz M. Trajdos
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1989-06-30


The work concerns the Brotherhood of St. Sophia associated with the monastery of St. Mark in Krakow and focuses on the organization, composition, goals and religious life of this brotherhood. The author presents these issues on the basis of privileges, statutes, constitutions, indulgence acts and other documents preserved from various periods, although many of them were destroyed as a result of numerous disasters. However, a full analysis of legates, donations and oblates to the brotherhood in the modern era is omitted. The presentation is based on sources, mainly on one document from the 15th century - an erection privilege which is also a brotherhood statute (1410). The Brotherhood began to grow in importance with two renovations in 1542 and 1610, resulting in a remarkable flourishing in the 17th and 18th centuries. Brotherhood of Saint Sophia, founded in 1410, at the monastery of St. Mark in Krakow, was the first institution of this type outside the city's parish churches. It gathered townspeople from Kraków, Kleparz and the surrounding area. His main duties included participation in funeral rites and the cult of the relics of Saint. Dorota kept in the church. Despite the decline and revival in 1542 and the activity of the Order of Mark in 1610, the cult focused around Saint Sophia and the Eucharist. At that time, a brotherhood chapel was built and funds were collected for Holy Masses. for the brotherhood and real estate constituting the material base was purchased. The new constitutions of the brotherhood from 1626 regulate in detail the organization, privileges, duties of the brothers, expenses, income, coexistence with the monastery and the rules of monastic life. The registration catalog in the 17th and 18th centuries allows us to determine the social origin of the brotherhood members, with a predominance of middle-class Krakow residents, mainly women, with names referring to the Patroness, i.e. Saint Zofia.


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