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Vol. 78 (1992): Our Past


On views on the Vistula-Baltic style in Polish sacral architecture of the 19th century

  • Andrzej Majdowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1992-12-30


Polish religious architecture developed in the 19th century in accordance with the aesthetic doctrine of historicism, common throughout Europe. Around the middle of the century, tendencies to discover national characteristics arose in architecture; for a long time it was believed that native features could only be found in the Gothic period. However, this movement lacked a broader theoretical basis. On the other hand, it contained interesting terminological suggestions, which are the subject of this article. The author recalls the origins and analyzes the names under which Polish Gothic and Neo-Gothic are known. At the same time, the term "Kraków school" was used, which was intended to emphasize the unique construction of Krakow basilicas from the 14th century. The above names were introduced into scientific terminology by Austrian architects who examined Krakow's architectural monuments during restoration works carried out in Collegium Maius - one of the buildings of the Jagiellonian University. Before the mid-1980s, the trend was called the "Vistula-Baltic style". Over time, attempts were made to replace this somewhat anachronistic term with names such as "Slavic-Polish style", "Baltic style", "Vistula style", and at the beginning of this century "Polish style".


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