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Vol. 93 (2000): Our Past


Father Mateusz Sowicki, the parish priest-administrator in Niekrasów during the second half of the 18th century

  • Waldemar Kowalski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2000-06-30


Father Mateusz Sowicki was a parish priest and farmer in Niekrasów in the second half of the 18th century. The main sources for research on the history of rural parishes in Old Polish times are the documentation created by the diocesan administration, such as post-visit protocols and the ordinary's files. Lists of the faithful and economic documentation were created in parishes, but their scope was limited. In the Niekrasow parish, which was one of the poorest in the Sandomierz archdeaconry, parish documentation was above the norm, but today it is available in a very limited selection. It is worth noting that knowledge about these sources and their actual state of preservation is currently unknown. Father Mateusz Sowicki was the author of a diary written in the years 1768-1788, which is a rare testimony of local everyday life. This diary describes the situation of the parish, which was poor and had a small number of parishioners. Sowicki took care of the parish's property, but the parish still remained poor. The diary lacks information about parishioners and pastoral work, which may be consistent with the approach of the diocesan administration. Father Sowicki may have rarely employed deputies and performed most of his pastoral duties himself. Sowicki continued his notes about the parish over the years, but it is unclear whether they were made on an ongoing basis or over several years. Sowicki's Chronicle is well preserved and is a valuable historical source. The publication of chronicles and diaries of parish clergy is an important requirement for historical research.


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