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Vol. 64 (1985): Our Past


The national trend in the sacred architecture of the Kingdom of Poland since the second half of the 19th century. Selected problems

  • Andrzej Majdowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1985-12-30


Religious architecture developed in Poland in the 19th century in very different political and social conditions. Of the three powers that divided them - Russia, Prussia and Austria - only in the latter did Catholicism have the status of the state religion. The most difficult situation took place in the Kingdom of Poland, where after the November (1830) and January (11863) uprisings, the tsarist regime undertook drastic repression, including: towards the Roman Catholic Church. The national trend appeared in Polish architecture relatively late, it was different and lacked weak theoretical foundations until the very end. The main factor that made it impossible to meet the requirements of the native work that appeared around the middle of the century was the ignorance of most architects of the local construction industry. A substitute for national creativity became the so-called Vistula-Baltic style with German and French provenance. Buildings erected in this style, representing mature historicism, replaced the post-romantic brick neo-Gothic style, which survived until the end of the 1970s. The native character of this architecture consisted in the use of numerous motifs taken from the most famous architectural monuments, among which the motifs of St. Mary's Church in Krakow were particularly popular. The reaction to the cosmopolitan nature of the Vistula-Baltic style appeared only at the beginning of this century. Very interesting attempts were made to transform historicism, using not only medieval but also modern styles, which was dealt with by various provincial workshops in the 16th and 17th centuries. This traditionalism, within which two directions have been distinguished in this work, namely: modernized historicism, which began around 1905, and neo-romanticism, a slightly earlier and more conservative variety, based directly on historicism with native elements (i.e. the Vistula-Baltic style) – dominated in Polish religious architecture until the country regained independence.


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