Andrzej Łaskarz of Gosławice of the coat of arms of Godziemba, Bishop of Poznań 125-170 Marian Frontczyk
Anna Maria Marchocka, Mother Teresa of Jesus (1603-1652), nun of the Carmelite Order 21-28 Karol Górski
Archbishop of Gniezno Mikołaj Dzierzgowski, Primate of Poland (ca. 1430-1559) 37-102 Władysław Pociecha
Archconfraternity of the Holy Rosary at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Wawrzeńczyce 127-152 Gabriela Gruszczak
Architectural and artistic development of minority convents in Silesia and Kladsko in the 18th century 299-307 Josef Svátek
Are the relics of the Holy Cross Tree in the Świętokrzyskie region the lost relics of the King of Serbia, Stefan Urosz I 19-48 Karolina Maciaszek
Attemps of the clerygy to take up the parish of St. James in Olsztyn before 1466 93-112 Radosław Krajniak
Attemps to reform the ministry in the Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries 161-182 Krzysztof Trojan
Attempt at identifying names "Bronyk" and "Brysk" in relation to the intervening of Brandenburgian graf Zygmunt Luksemburski against Bartosz from Odolanów in 1381-1382 25-37 Grzegorz Jacek Brzustowicz
Attempts to include the Jagiellonian states in the anti-Turkish coalition of Pope Alexander VI at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries 5-50 Krzysztof Baczkowski
Attempts to resume diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Russia in 1887-1888 259-280 Anna Barańska
Augustyn Łosiński, Bishop of Kielce (1910-1937) in the light of pastoral letters, opinions and facts 215-240 Adam Ludwik Szafrański
Autobiograficzne zapiski M. Barbary od Najśw. Sakramentu, karmelitanki bosej (1670) 249-264 Karol Górski