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No. 1/20 (2024)


Esperanto. Utopia or reality? – based on contemporary linguistic observations

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-05-29


The aim of this article is to remind readers about Esperanto, a language that was created 136 years ago, and provide a brief description of it. The article mentions the motives behind the creation of Esperanto and the reasons why Esperanto speakers continue to use it despite the great popularity of the English language. Esperanto has been characterized and modern examples of its use included. The role of Esperanto in the world is examined, as well as the users themselves. An attempt is made to answer the question of whether Esperanto could ever become an international language again. For the purpose of the research, several interviews were conducted with authentic Esperanto speakers living in various countries to highlight the characteristics that testify its popularity and vitality within this group.


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