The parish of Drobin in the years 1939-1945 in the light of the parish chronicle 249-262 Łukasz Włodarski
The participation of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in "fraternal agreement" of the Universities in Toruń and Ferrara in the light of the reports of SB (the Security Service) 429-447 Witold Konopka
The participation of the clergy in the fight against the occupant in the Gorce and Beskidy Mountains in the years 1939-1945 197- 236 Aleksander Marczyński
The participation of the clergy of the Kielce diocese in the development of reading and parish libraries at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries 225-245 Tomasz Domański
The pastoral activities of the Bishop of Kielce, Augustyn Łosinski (1910-1937) 227-255 Stanisław Fert
The policies of the Communist authorities towards the pilgrimage movement in the Sandomierz Diocese, 1945-1966 287-320 Bogdan Stanaszek
The Polish case of the Catholic population in the diocese of Warmia between 1870 and 1914 35-139 Jan Obłąk
The political activities of Archbishop Józef Teofil Teodorowicz in the period of the Second Polish Republic 115-161 Piotr Szczudłowski
The position of the Catholic Church towards the Jewish pogrom in Kielce. The state of research 411-434 Ryszard Gryz
The process of dissolution of Catholic schools in post-war Poland of the example of the Salesian Tailor Gymnasium in Wrocław 187-204 Marcin Musiał
The Providential Mission of Cardinal Primate Hlond during the World War 1939-1945 167-194 Antoni Baraniak
The repeated closure of Catholic Church educational institutions in Poland (1958-1963) 193-242 Jacek Żurek
The report of the Diocesan Curia of Kielce from August 1950 on the condition of religious and Catholic education 313-326 Marlena Dobrucka
The researcher of the history of the Church in the Vilnius region (on the occasion of the jubilee of Fr. Tadeusz Krahel) 5-16 Marceli Kosman
The scientific conference "The Kalisz Collegiate Church over the centuries. The jubilee of the 700th Anniversary of the Kalisz Collegiate Church 1303-2003" (Kalisz 6 IX 2003) 461-468 Gerard Kucharski
The scientific session on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the return of the Benedictine monks to Lubiń 289-290 Jacek Urban
The seminary of the Cracow Province of the Daughters of the Charity (1782-1914) in the light of general research on the recruitment to Polish convents 167-195 Małgorzata Borkowska
The social activities of the clergy of the Łomża diocese in the interwar period 233-265 Wojciech Guzewicz