Stylistic changes in the parish church in Krosno from the 14th to the 20th century 141-152 Juliusz Ross
The 18th-century music collection of the Archives of the Monastery in Mogiła - historical context 235-267 Paweł Szywalski
The architecture, interior design and symbolism of Capuchin monasteries exemplified by the monastey in Krosno 233-249 Lucyna Rotter
The Carmelites of the Ancient Observance and St. Szczepan Parish in Krakow in the 19th and early 20th century 2.123-144 Maria Konieczna
The chapel in Niedzica. The beginnings of the cult of St Rozalia in Zamagur Spiski 359-371 Tadeusz M. Trajdos
The Cracow version of "Miraculum" from Janów Lubelski - the orginal or a copy? 103-130 Andrzej Albiniak
The foundation of the altar of Our Lady at Jasna Góra by Jerzy Ossoliński from 1644-1650 171-180 Zdzisław Jedynak
The history of the church organs in the oldest Polish monasteries of the Clarisse Sisters 33-66 Piotr Matog
The Jasna Góra painting "Translatio reliquiae" of St Paul the Hermit as an iconographic message for the history of the Pauline Order 159-179 Zofia Rozanow, Ewa Smulikowska
The monstrance as a place of theophany. Baroque monstrances in Res-Imagines type and the ideoligy of counter-reformation 89-147 Magdalena Pielas
The neo-Gothic trend in the sacral architecture between the Vistula and Bug rivers 267-317 Jerzy Żywicki
The organ in the missionary church of Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle in Cracow in Stradom street 157-184 Piotr Matoga
The reception of the literature concerning the history of the painting of Mother of God from Jasna Góra on the example of the work by Fr. Ksawery Rotter entitled "Gnad- und wundervolle Brosamen von der königlichen Taffel Herrscherin Himmels, und Erden Maria" 297-323 Dagmara Bubel
The Tree of Jesse and the Passion content in the setting of the altar of the Holy Cross in the post-Dominican church in Klimontów 145-176 Leszek Stanisław Wojciechowski
The Tree of Jesse and the Passion content in the setting of the Altar of the Holy Cross in the post-Dominican church in Klimontów 2.145-176 Leszek Wojciechowski
Three-nave Dominican churches in the lands of right-bank Ukraine in the 17th-19th centuries 267-286 Natalia Ursu
Transmission of the chronicle of Andrzej Komoniecki about the churches in Zywiec and its district 93-119 Franciszek Lenczowski