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Vol. 52 (1979): Our Past


Chapels of the village of Kacwin in the Polish Spiš region. Artistic forms and cult circles

  • Tadeusz M. Trajdos
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1979-12-30


The subject of this work are chapels within the Spiš parish of Kacwin, treated by the author both as objects of art and important components of the religious life of the rural community. The work therefore covers two issues: form and social function. The order in which these issues are discussed is dictated by the material itself - the Kacwin chapels come from three different eras: the three oldest ones from the second half of the 19th century. 18th century, one half 19th century and two from the interwar period. List of their invocations in chronological order: Our Lady of the Snows, Saint. Trinity, St. Catherine (previously St. Cross - cemetery), St. Adalbert, Our Lady of Lourdes, Christ the King. The Kacwin community has its own hierarchy of cults, which differs from the chapel calls. At its top there are: Adoration of the Holy Trinity. and the multi-threaded Marian theme.


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