The history of construction, architecture and symbolism of the churches of St Aleksandra and Our Lady of the Angels in Dąbrowa Górnicza 415-464 Bogusław Krasnowolski
"Melius est mori quam vivere"- representation of death in Polish printed funeral orations in the 17th century 91-108 Urszula Kicińska
A gloss about a certain 17th century wooden churchin greater Poland that became a monunent to the "Immortal fame" of the 104-year-old 57-80 Aleksander Jankowski
About the churches and parishes of Stryszów and Zakrzów in the diocese of Cracow 191-233 Franciszek Lenczowski
About the old house of the Black Madonna. The history of the icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa 125-141 Franciszek Kotula
Andrzej Radwański (1711-1762). The analysis of ideological content in the wall painting of the Cistercian church in Jędrzejów and the Benedictine nuns in Staniątki 307-318 Tomasz Zmarzły
Bibliography of the contents of the semi-annual magazine "Our Past", vol. 101-125 475-500 Wacław Umiński
Caravaca cross from Kleszczel, Hajnówka county, from the collection of the archaelogy departament of the podlaskie muzeum in Białystok 81-96 Kornelia Piasecka
Chapels of the village of Kacwin in the Polish Spiš region. Artistic forms and cult circles 257-299 Tadeusz M. Trajdos
Cistercian motifs in the iconography of altars in side chapels of the church in Byszewo 365-385 Bogna Derkowska-Kostkowska
Comments on the conservation of monuments of sacral architecture in the Kingdom of Poland at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries 227-248 Andrzej Majdowski
Contracts and agreements from the Archives of the larger Monastery of Carmelites of the Ancient Observance in Lviv (17th-18th century 129-146 Marcin Franciszek Rdzak
Foundations of roadside shrines and crosses in the Polish Podkarpacie region. Origin and typology 401-442 Urszula Janicka-Krzywda
Fresco in the sacristy of Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Pelplin – interpretation possibilities 49-64 Seweryn Pauch
From the history of the cult of the miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Włoszczowa 189-197 Julita Nędza
On views on the Vistula-Baltic style in Polish sacral architecture of the 19th century 303-328 Andrzej Majdowski
Review: Hanna Suchocka, Roman passions. Station churches of the Eternal City, Izabelin-Warsaw 2013 247-253 Marceli Kosman