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Wrocław Theological Review is a semi-annual periodical issued since 1993 by the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław; it is devoted to Biblical studies, systematic theology, theology of spirituality, pastoral theology, Church history, philosophy and social sciences as auxiliary theological sciences. Our periodical is on the ministerial list of scoring journals (70 points). We only publish original articles that meet the criterion of a high scholarly level. The Editorial Board respects the ethical principles developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). More information>

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  • A Tribute to Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, vol. 2


    We are pleased to announce that another issue of Wrocław Theological Review has come out. We greatly encourage you to read this 2024/1 issue, which is entirely devoted to the work of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI.

  • A Tribute to Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI


    We are pleased to announce that another issue of Wrocław Theological Review has come out. We greatly encourage you to read this 2023/2 issue, which is entirely devoted to the work of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI.

  • 100 points for Wrocław Theological Review


    Wrocław Theological Review has been awarded 100 points in the new list of scholarly journals, prepared by the Minister of Education and Science.

Current Issue

Volume 32, No. 1A Tribute to Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI, vol. 2

Published July 11, 2024

Biblical Studies

Systematic theology

Pastoral theology


Social sciences
